Wow – over 170 persons came to my vernissage last friday night. It was Amazing to have so many admires.
The local press GP wrote a huge article about me, my Life and the Project and it just came out in time for the vernissage.
In fact a few, never met Before persons, just came by to see the exhibition.
I will share in a short while some Picture from the evening, but here some of the impressions that people left behind on my guest book.
“Earthshaking, Earth-shattering”! – Is there a Nobel Prize in photography? Best – Deborah
“Underbara foton, tänkvärda, viktiga, nära, naket” Tack – Frida”
“Cornelia, eres una mujer maravillosa y brillante y eso se refleja claramente en tus fototografias. Con tu cámara no sólo captas la belleza física de un cuerpo, desnudo sino algo más profundo, el alma. Felicitationes y buena suerte. Besos Tania”
I would like to thank you all for coming and beeing part of this great evening, for all the attention, the flowers, chocolate and teas.
For you tears, smiles and hugs. To these wonderful violinists Ingrid Kytöharju and Diana Lewtak for giving the evening a special musical emotion.
I am happy to share such moments with you coz. there is so much need of love, and reflection in those stressy times.
Carpe diem