Cornelia Schmidt Photographer

Acceptance, Empowerment, Creativity

Our Team

Name: Cornelia Schmidt
Country of origin: Switzerland
Role in the team: Photographer and founder of Just People
Interests: Traveling, photography, cats, reading, cooking, socializing

What does Just People mean to you?
It is my life project. Just People means everything to me. It is my baby and I want to cherish it and bring it out to the world because we need more love, acceptance, and tolerance among us humans. In our differences, we are equal and wonderful humans on this same planet. No matter the religion or colour of the skin. We all need love, a roof over our heads, friends, food, and to be accepted for who we are, not what we are.

A funny anecdote about you that nobody knows?
I made a fool of myself playing domino with a bunch of motorbikes that happen to be close to mine when I fell sitting on my bike at a parking slot. Just imagine the sound of …bum, bum, bum, bum, x10.

My homepage

Portrait of our AD Daniela

Daniela Fagernäs


Role in the team: Art director

Interests: Art, dance, travelling, books

What does Just People mean to you?
It's a good way to show that everyone is unique, yet the same... It's a little way to spread understanding, tolerance and acceptance

A funny anectode about you that nobody knows?
There are probably many funny things about me but if I write it here everyone will know...and then it is no longer anything that no one knows.

Portrait of our copywriter Bea

Beatrice Almhagen


Role in the team: Copywriter

Interests: I'm involved in social movements in my home town, I also like to read novels and design things in photoshop.

What does Just People mean to you? I'm grateful to have been part of the project almost since the beginning, it's been a privilege to see it grow into something that is much more than just the pictures, it's a way for people to tell their stories and find connections in other's.

A funny anecdote about you that nobody knows? Most of my clothes have stripes. Sometimes I try not to buy striped clothes for a while but it never works

Portrait of our translator Carolyn

Carolyn Siegel


Role in the team: Translator, Copywriter

Interests: Art

What does Just People mean to you? I love JP because it keeps it real. Real people, real stories, real forces and energy that leave you feeling alive and inspired.

A funny anecdote about you that nobody knows?
No one has a worse sense of direction than me. Any time I am ou t picking berries or mushrooms or walking in a new place I get lost. Sometimes takes me hours to get back.

Portrait woman in studi



Role in the team:
Communication & copywriting

Books, nature, food

What does Just People mean to you?

A funny anectode about you that nobody knows?
I am addicted to buy books and good memories. I collect cook books also.

Hannah  Lee

Hannah Lee


Role in the team:
Communication & copywriting

Traveling, music, arts, yoga, nature

What does Just People mean to you?
Expression of individuality, personality, vulnerability, strength. Cornelia documenting souls in human bodies with zero judgement.

A funny anectode about you that nobody knows?
On my solo - travels through Central Americ a in 2013, I accidentally booked a flight from Costa Rica to San Juan, California, instead of San Juan, Puerto Rico. I only found out at the Check - In counter at the airport. I was on a budget and could not afford a new ticket. So I had to call my parents a nd ask them for help. Spent some stressful hours at San Jose airport and learnt my lesson: read carefully when booking plane tickets! 😉

Fredrik Stigebrandt

Fredrik Stigebrandt


Role in the team: Advisor

Interests: Lots of interests, history is a big one

What does Just People mean to you?
Wonderful project, lots of great people and ideas.

A funny anectode about you that nobody knows?
I have been a part of the project for over 10 years

My homepage:

Portrait of our copywriter Jenny

Jennie Andersson


Role in the team: Occasional writer of general exhibition texts

Interests: Travelling, food, pop culture, politics, literature, more food

What does “Just People” mean to you?
A courageous project challenging my prejudices and inviting me to look at my fellow human beings with compassion.

A funny anecdote about you that t nobody knows.
Not really an anecdote but I look great in hats, preferably weird hats like deer stalkers (hat of Sherlock Holmes)

Your homepage:

Claudio Gagliardin

Claudio Gagliardin


Role in the team:
I write texts in Italian and I collaborate with the project in my area.

Interests: Photography, travel, music

What does Just People mean to you?
A project that focuses on people and their very normal uniqueness, which makes them special and makes everyone a source of inspiration for others. A funny anecdote about you that nobody knows. When I was a kid I was convinced that the moon, which I watched from the window, moved and stopped together with my fa ther's car.

Your homepage:

Mauro Gaimarri

Mauro Gaimarri


Role in the team: Photographer and video maker

Interests: Photography, music, and sailing.

What does Just People mean to you?
To let the world know my story and to make me help to take the important decisions.

Portrait ambassador



Role in the team: Ambassador, Italy

Interests: Ex geoscientist, then a teacher in England. Today I teach in Science and Mathematics in English in a middle school in Cagliari, Italy. My distinguishing features: courage and desire to get involved, teaching in school's classrooms and on social media, where I communicate advice on what is my life partner, multiple sclerosis.

What does “Just People” mean to you?
Just people is a revolutionary and powerful way for people to tell their stories, their ambitions in life and to find new connections.

A funny anecdote about you that nobody knows.
I love pizza and melancholic songs.

Portrait model by A. Tintori



Role in the team: Ambassador, Italy and model for Just People workshop "Just a portrait".

Interests: Social media, disability matters, posing for the Italian Institute of Photography.

What does “Just People” mean to you?
Just people made me feel welcomed, in the project and the artistic work behind. People are physically naked but also intimately in the soul, they bring to the surface what matters to them, values of their existence, experiences that have marked deeply, for better or for worse, I believe that getting naked with body and soul is a "HYMN TO LIFE"!

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