Just People
Photographer Cornelia Schmidt portrays stories in her project “Just People” about everyday people. They are all naked as far as not wearing clothing, but their passions are shining strongly through imagery. Cornelia’s keywords are humour, respect and incredibly beautiful. The texts and photographs complement each other in telling a story about the magic of the individual, at the same time as they leave a lot of space for the viewer’s reflections.
Just People is an original concept by
Cornelia Schmidt.
Presented below you will find some photos from this photo project. If you are interested in arranging an exhibition or to book photographer Cornelia Schmidt with this concept please let us know by sending us a message.
We’re all born with a body, and each of us is entirely original and unique. The body you have is best suited to you and your needs. It doesn’t matter if you are tall, short, skinny, fat or if you don’t have arms and legs. All that matters is feeling love and gratitude to your body for being just the way it is. Nobody is perfect; we all face different obstacles in life. Once you get to know your body and love it, it will continue to play with you. Stop comparing yourself
with others and begin to list en inwards, to your needs and your dreams, because that’s when your body and soul will live together optimally. Show your strength and don’t forget that you are UNIQUE!
Maria, Italy/Sweden
Hand in hand with life
Life can be or can appear like a giant whom you can’t shake your hand due to the distance to his hand. But even if we can’t find comprehensive answers, continue walking, with faith,
giving the world the best of yourself. Step by step the day will come where you will walk,
without noticing it, hand in hand with Life.
Paolo, Italy
Am I happy? Ask me.
The smile you regain, recognize and accept. Endometriosis can become invalidating and to coexist with a disability isn’t easy but everything is possible. I started dancing again on my wheels and I came back to myself, free and alive.
Chiara, Italy
It’s only skin deep.
Our daughter slept in a shawl wrapped around a sling outside the post office. An elderly
woman was standing there. She looked, sniffed, and said:
”Poor child, growing up with a father like you.”
Our appearance says nothing about our parenting abilities.
We want to give our children all the intimacy, security, and love they need to become strong individuals who dare to be themselves. We hope that they w
ill grow up to be critically thinking beings, and, if necessary, that they will stand up for themselves and for others, even
if that means standing alone.
Spartacus, Eddie, Caja, Carla, Sweden
Being married to the one you love is an incredible feeling! Respect each other and enjoy love, life doesn't need to be harder than that!
Niklas & Peter, Sweden
Ego amo me
Beauty is in the eyes and heart of the observer.
Love who you are
- nobody else will ever be like you. If you are fine with your own body and your own soul, you will also feel better around others. Since I have learned to love myself, I
love to live more every second of every day. There is no good way of living or bad way of
living; there is only living with your eyes and your heart.
Claudia, Italy
Eco friendly
Ecological farmers:
happiness, freedom, passion, rurality. Poets of mother Earth. People that love good food, plant trees and know the winds.
Giordano, Rosa, Luigi, Giuseppe, Mimma, Valter, Matteo, Alfredo
, Italy
Music rider
To learn and create music you need time, focus and discipline. By practicing something many times, again and again slowly you start to see the beauty in it. And there is nothing like the feeling you get from playing a good music piece, when you know it
by heart, when you become part of it. At that point you are free to relax and ride on the wave of
Adrian, Sweden
As a woman, I constantly stand in the gleam of my worst relationship. The yoke that I
shoulder through life is to ceaseles
sly care, care for others and put myself last. I let
myself be tricked into thinking that the healing of others is more important than my
own. I must break free. Release my heaviest burden.
Begin anew and find meaning in my own healing.
Anna-Malin, Sweden
Scratch my back
Scratch my back, Mommy!
Throughout the years she has been there like a helping hand. The years have
passed by and the roles have come to change. We help each other.
Life is a circle.
Stina & Kajsa, Sweden
Sails of dreams
I love to dream! For this reason, I allow these sails to take me wherever the wind
blows. They are to take me to places I’ve had in my dreams, and maybe beyond
there. I’m going to allow them
to take me to new dreams and new adventures.
Along the way, I’l
l meet weather, people and the great outdoors.
I don’t mind being frightened. In my dreams, I have companionship, and we live,
dream, watch and experience everything together.
May these dreams never come to an end. May they never stop.
Jon-Erik, Sweden
My universe
I like hens because they each have a personality of their own, and they make me
happy when I’m sad.
They are kind
hearted animals and good-natured.
Hedvig, Sweden
Think out of the box
Difficulties occur often when you are stuck in a mental bo
x and not aware of it. Their
perceptions of reality and thought processes are limited by their box.
The first step could be awareness of the box and then to challenge oneself
to think outside it. Odds are it will
turn out completely different than what
they first thought.
Kåre, Sweden
The good wine
The good wine prepares your heart
and your passion;
The smile prepares to friendship and
to a sparkle of love.
Mimma, Italy
I am in every speech they use
My name for war, they always choose.
Knowing for sure you’ll cheer them for
Each evil cause, they do for war
I am the one, you all know
I ‘am who through time and space
Hoped someday you’ll try to face
What you let them do to all
Children’s future life and faith
I am the one, you all know
‘am your promise years ago
You swore an auth to make it so
I am peace you chained to death so long
Just for money, you sold their souls
I am the one, you all know
Elia, Syria